A dedicated venous ultrasound, performed by highly trained specialist vascular sonographers utilising state of the art equipment is required to determine the cause of your varicose veins no matter how minor they may appear. Without these specialised and detailed scans, appropriate determination of the best treatment method for your varicose veins cannot be made. Our sonographers have received additional training by our doctors to optimise these scans and are involved directly in treatment utilising sclerotherapy and endovenous laser ablation and performing post interventional follow-up. After your ultrasound scan our sonographers spend significant time creating a detailed worksheet that outlines the pattern of your venous disease.
The cost for our venous duplex study and creation of a dedicated patient specific worksheet is $300 per leg. Currently the Medicare rebate for this scan is approximately $167. Please note that if you choose to have both legs scanned on the one day Medicare provides only half of the rebate for the second leg. Our staff will advise costs at the time of booking your appointment.
Unfortunately ultrasound scans performed by external providers do not provide the level of information required to offer all treatment modalities, as they are really only designed to support decisions regarding surgical management. This is why they are able to be often bulk billed because they are done in less than half the time by non-specialised dedicated vascular sonographers with little or no useful information provided for endovenous management.
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